Monday, February 4, 2013

Why It's So Hard to Become a Fit Female After 50

Look around in a mall crowd or at an event. How many women who are over 50 look fit?

Not many. In fact, very few.

Why? It isn't easy to overcome the effects of menopause - belly fat, hip fat, thunder thighs. All because hormonal changes and stress have taken their toll. And deposited fat in all the wrong places. The results do not look wonderful and takes its toll on our wellness and self confidence.

And maybe it's getting difficult to do some of the things that at one time you never thought about - getting up from a chair or turning your head to see oncoming cars while driving. Or lifting your grandchild.

It should sound like I've been there and done that. You're right - I have.

And a couple of years of experimentation on my part can help you become a fit female after 50.

In a prior post, I listed the 3 major factors that rob women over 50 of their good looks, fitness, and wellness. And make it almost impossible to be a fit female over 50. These factors are the following:

1. Lack of activity (exercise formal or informal).

2. Poor diet (you know what I mean).

3. Inability to manage stress. This one is a silent killer - you can't see the effects of stress and you don't know how much of that belly is due to cortisol run amuck.

So let's say you want to turn things around and become a fit female over 50. A few words of caution - it will not happen overnight and you might get impatient. It takes time to start undoing bad habits.

Start with an activity that will have an effect in a short time frame. Reduce your sugar intake to 25 grams per day. Do this activity for 30 days and it will be a habit. And you will drop weight and begin to feel better. It's worth the effort.

Can't do it alone? Find a friend who will join in the sugar reduction effort. And get help from Jorge Cruz: The Belly Fat Cure. FYI - Jorge recommends a 15-gram sugar intake each day, but that's a bit much for most people starting out.

More help to become a fit female after 50 in future posts.

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