Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wanna Know How To Lose Weight Fast? Observe the Habits of the Thin People in This World!

In general, thin people do not starve themselves to stay thin. But they follow certain guidelines that you can follow if you want to know how to lose weight fast.

In a mercola.com post (yup, the doc who keeps showing up on Dr. Oz), he quotes an article from Men's Health magazine describing how thin people stick to rules to keep them from gaining weight.

Here's a recap of the post (his posts are characteristically L-O-N-G) discussing the 7 rules as well as 6 more weight maintenance toips from Dr. Mercola.

Just by the by - these should look familiar if you have been following AgeDefiance.

1. No dieting.
2. Forget About Fat-Free foods. Fat is a dietary necessity. 
3. Eat slowly and mindfully.
4. Plan What You Will Eat.
5. Eat Protein.
6. Move Your Butt. Do activities you like to do.
7. Stay Away from the Boob Tube and the PC/IPad/IPhone. "Nearly 30 percent of people who watch more than four hours of TV a day have a BMI of 30 or higher." In other words, they are FAT.
And here's doc Mercola's add-ons to the rules stated above:
A. Limit Fructose (sugar) to 25 grams per day.  
B. Reduce Carbs (all of them, including whole grains).
C. Increase Healthy Fats (a corollary to #2 above).
D. Eliminate Diet Foods, including diet soda
E. Eat Organic Veggies.
F. Exercise Using Interval and Strength Training.
The entire post  - http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/02/17/the-7-laws-of-leanness.aspx?e_cid=20120217_DNL_art_1 

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