For example, for those who suffer from CRS (Can't Remember Stuff), "stop memory loss" is a familiar keyword. Stop by the featured Squuidoo lens in the right column of this blog to see the most recent research about this topic.
You may fall prey to the anti-aging products that seem to be everywhere. Most are geared to outward appearances. Okay, so maybe you'll look younger. And that might make you feel younger UNTIL you are reminded of your real age by the number of medications you take every day, or the groaning when you get up from the couch.
The 3 TOP Ways To Slow Aging
Okay, so I'm gettting off topic. When you net surf, you are going to find hundreds of ways to feel younger. Only a few PRODUCE RESULTS (that is; they help slow aging). Over time - these lifestyle changes WORK and the scientific research provides proof . Under each of these top ways to slow aging is a web site where you can find more information.
Exercise your body AND your brain.
Eat to minimize inflammation.
Strengthen the mind body connection (if you think you're old, you will feel old).
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