If you are even entertaining the concept of anti-aging, you should know that “You are what you think about" is not magic, but a scientifically proven fact. So if you think you cannot heal your own body, you are absolutely correct!
Discard Negative Beliefs
Open your mind, and take a few minutes to dispel your negative beliefs about using your mind to heal your body. Remember that beliefs develop through constant thought repetition and are truths for you. Because many people subscribe to a belief does not necessarily make it a universal truth.
What Do You Have To Lose?
If you have a physical issue, what do you have to lose if you improve your mind body fitness level using simple guided imagery techniques? You CAN learn self-healing.
Even if you do not have a physical issue but are trying to cope with heightened levels of stress, you can use these techniques to quiet your mind and reduce stress levels. This IS healing, especially when you consider the long-term impact of stress.
Consider the teachings of an authority on using your mind to heal your body . . .
Guided Imagery By Dr. Jerry Epstein
Author of the CD series called The Phoenix Process and the book Healing Visualizations, Creating Health Through Imagery, “Dr. Jerry Epstein, physician and teacher, has taught thousands of people to transform their lives through the their minds. His teaching uses mental imagery – also called guided imagery or visualization.”
See more information about using your mind to heal your body:
Anti-aging program: http://squidoo.com/anti-aging-program
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